Default position of Gallery for new images - diminishes their impact?


Local time
11:18 PM
Oct 16, 2012
When I want to view new images in the gallery I'm usually greeted first by several other areas that -- while interesting and enlightening -- because of their placement before the new gallery, seem to diminish the feel of the new images.

The current order things are displayed seems to be as follows:

1) HOF Collection or Featured Photographer,
2) Hall of Fame,
3) Photos generating discussion,
4) Recent Likes,
5) finally, Recent Photos, sandwiched in above
6) Message Board, and
7) Recent Comments.

And when I can get new images to display at the top of the page, when I click on each image to enlarge it, there doesn't seem to be a way to advance to the next or previous image without closing the current one and then clicking on the next and enlarging it.

I'm not complaining. Just thinking things might be improved for those who would like to view all the new images at large sizes if new images could appear by default at the top of the page with a way to enlarge them and then advance or scroll to the next or previous image using the right and left arrow keys or a dedicated navigation tool to click on.

If that is currently available and I'm just missing something, please enlighten me.
When I want to view new images in the gallery I'm usually greeted first by several other areas that -- while interesting and enlightening -- because of their placement before the new gallery, seem to diminish the feel of the new images.

The current order things are displayed seems to be as follows:

1) HOF Collection or Featured Photographer,
2) Hall of Fame,
3) Photos generating discussion,
4) Recent Likes,
5) finally, Recent Photos, sandwiched in above
6) Message Board, and
7) Recent Comments.

And when I can get new images to display at the top of the page, when I click on each image to enlarge it, there doesn't seem to be a way to advance to the next or previous image without closing the current one and then clicking on the next and enlarging it.

I'm not complaining. Just thinking thi+1ngs might be improved for those who would like to view all the new images at large sizes if new images could appear by default at the top of the page with a way to enlarge them and then advance or scroll to the next or previous image using the right and left arrow keys or a dedicated navigation tool to click on.

If that is currently available and I'm just missing something, please enlighten me.
+1, thanks brusby
This is one of the reason, and probably the main reason for which I lost interest in the gallery.
So in this list

1) HOF Collection or Featured Photographer,
2) Hall of Fame,
3) Photos generating discussion,
4) Recent Likes,
5) finally, Recent Photos, sandwiched in above
6) Message Board, and
7) Recent Comments.

I will make recent photos 2

also, if you were to click on the expanding arrow icon on the top right of the thumbnail, it opens the large photo. there you have an arrow on the left and right of the photo that lets you move next or previous photo.
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So in this list

1) HOF Collection or Featured Photographer,
2) Hall of Fame,
3) Photos generating discussion,
4) Recent Likes,
5) finally, Recent Photos, sandwiched in above
6) Message Board, and
7) Recent Comments.

I will make recent photos 2

also, if you were to click on the expanding arrow icon on the top right of the thumbnail, it opens the large photo. there you have an arrow on the left and right of the photo that lets you move next or previous photo.
That’s great, thanks
I noticed that many of the photos in the sections entitled "Featured Photographer", "Hall of Fame" and "Photos Generating Discussion" were done by photographers who don't seem to be active participants here anymore. Also, in the Photos Generating Discussion section, many if not most of the discussions seem to have taken place as much as 10 or more years ago.

Just curious about the purpose of the seeming emphasis on the past. Was this done to give an historical perspective? I very much like many of the photos and photographers, and I think they should be showcased, but I don't see much attention paid to current participants,
particularly ones that haven't been members here for a decade or more.
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made the hot discussion photos select more recent photos going back 90 days or so and having more than 1 comment ordered by random so it changes more often.